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Support Jen & Hannah and receive weekly bonus episodes of RedFem. These bonus episodes will be more controversial, contentious, and candid.

Bonus 69: An Aristocrat Serial Rapist on the Left

We discuss the case of a known aristocrat serial rapist on the Left called Heathcote who was allowed to sexually abuse women in leftwing act…

About RedFem

RedFem is a lesbian co-hosted Marxist and radically feminist podcast that offers a materialist analysis, psychoanalytic commentary, and thematic conversation. Our focus is often on the decline of the Left into postmodern madness and various feminist themes.

Latest episode

Episode 106: On the UK Pakistani Grooming Gangs

1 hour, 24 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.

Since the start of 2025 the presence of Pakistani 'grooming gangs' operating across the United Kingdom has dominated online discourse and parliamentary debate. We discuss the nature of these 'gangs', provide a cultural analysis of why they existed, and consider the scale of the political cover-up by the Labour Party, police, and local authorities. Plus, the key divide in feminism on the issue, the Left’s sentiment that they own feminism because their project is a claim to liberating all humanity, Jimmy Savile, islamophobia as conceptually tied to imperialism or a useless term, and the Left’s delusion that ethnic minorities are universally aligned with them.

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Should Feminists Work With the Left?

How Did We Peak Trans?

WTF is Trad?

Should Feminists Work With the Rightwing?

WTF Happened to the Left?!

Meghan & Harry
