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Episode 101: Why Trump Won

1 hour, 17 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.

Donald Trump won the American Presidential election last week in a landslide victory, winning every swing state, and almost 'flipping' a few others. We discuss how he managed to pull off a feat that most polls and political commentators were not expecting. If Trump's win signals a wider crisis of liberalism, what hope is there for the Democrats to renew themselves and win this side of 2040? The election humiliated not just the many pollsters who expected a blue victory, but also the mainstream media, who found themselves floundering for explanations as to what had gone so wrong. We discuss the denial of those mainstream media commentators and others in the Harris camp who now find themselves political refugees as they continue to not face the seismic political shift Trump represents. Plus, the feminine bullying tactics of woke liberals, the new emergent fault line of globalisation vs anti-globalisation, Jen feeling surprisingly sad after the election result became clear, the racism of low expectations, and we ask whether Rory Stewart inadvertenly indicated he was privy to intelligence conversations about bumping Trump off? And sorry for the fireworks!