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Episode 104: The Costs of Euthanasia

51 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.

We respond to Labour MP Pat McFadden's suggestion that anyone wanting to be euthanised should pay for it themselves. We talk package deals, budget deaths, and spectacular deluxe send offs involving planes and assassination-style takedowns. We wonder how the bureaucracy around death will work? What will the safeguards be? Can there be safeguards around death?

Jen’s outlines her dark theory about why Kim Leadbeater is so interested in promoting death and Hannah explains euthanasia as a phenomenological understanding of Satan in cultural form. Plus, vapid progressivism, intersectional car crashes, consequences for the ‘euthanasia defence’, the unintelligibility of MPs to the general public and the unintelligibility of the general public to MPs, middle-class people’s denial around the state, and liberalisms obsession with the individual and the individual as the only point of analysis for the liberal.