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Episode 53: Twin Flames, Transgenderism, and Selling Romance to Women

51 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.

Why do women seek romantic love more than men? We consider that question through discussion of New Age digital 'high demand group' Twin Flames Universe and the recent documentary on the cult available on Prime (which is much better than the one on Netflix). Our key focus is idealised romance culture that's primarily sold to women and how that informed the function of gender identity inside the Twin Flames cult. The gender essentialism inside the cult of allotting every person as either a 'divine feminine' or 'divine masculine' and heterosexually pairing people off into arranged marriages based on those oppositional, supposedly complimentary matches, is highly representative and revealing of Transgenderism's underlying essentialist ideology and tendency towards conversion therapy.

We also discuss the illusion of the perfect partner, eroticisms relationship with separation, the need for a developed Self to engage fruitfully in romantic relationships, women's avoidance of conflict, and the almost limitless scope of the internet to access and exploit emotionally desperate people.