Episode 77: A Marxist Critique of Men in Women's Prisons and Re-Traumatisation of a Traumatised Population
51 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.
This episode is on the contemporary far-Left's turn away from the working-class towards the lumpen proletariat - except in the case of criminalised lumpen women. We discuss how the far-Left has adopted 'pet' lumpen proletariat groups (mentally ill men who identify as women, male asylum seekers, male criminals, men who are too dysfunctional to work, etc.), but only in so far as to lionise the figure of the emasculated proletariat man as an archetype, never the downtrodden, financially precarious, often prostituted or criminalised lumpen woman. How is it that the objectives of the PMC have come to chime with this figure of the lumpen man? And that the revolutionary Left, once concerned with the working-class as the revolutionary class, has swapped for the goals of the PMC (the most dominated section of the dominant class), in combination with the interests of the lumpen man, making both central to their politics.
We also discuss the little known modern Trotskyist understanding of political practice that creates disruption by fermenting social contradictions, and that out of this chaos rises the opportunity for a re-organisation of society once the status-quo is unstable and unsustainable, leading to the options of barbarism (fascism) or socialism. Previously it was understood that the structural contradictions of capitalism would inevitably at times throw up such opportunities, but today's pessimistic and demoralised vanguardist far-Left, beholden to postmodernism and post-structuralism, acts as an agent to create contradictions and unsustainable policies, as a matter of strategy. This notion of disruption as valuable is one way to understand the ludicrous irony of preaching safety on campuses and that misgendering kills, whilst being willing to re-traumatise and up the probability of rape against the most vulnerable adults in our society: women in prison. This leads us to a topsy-turvy moral world where thoughts are so harmful people need their livelihoods destroyed for 'thought crimes', but rape against women is so irrelevant and benign it is not worth mentioning.
Plus, the roots of the concept of 'validation', Trans activists wanting life to be one continuous DBT session, prison abolition as a luxury belief, and how for those from the upper-crust of privilege disagreement feels injurious and hostile, because they've not witnessed or experienced anything worse and it undermines the vision fed to them of their entitlement to power. Hannah tells the story of confronting a man chasing a woman in a car and the total disinterest of the police once it was reported. And we wonder about how the collaboration between the PMC and TRAs, aided and abetted by the new postmodernism-afflicted radical Left, thought they could pull of the heist of the century: trading the rights of women and children in order to advance their own power.