Episode 83: General Election Aftermath and the State of the UK
47 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.
We discuss the first week of Keir Starmer’s Prime Ministership, and how if we scratch what seems to be a social democratic measure, we find a neoliberal one. How lowball ambition will not change the United Kingdom’s housing crisis or stagnant economy, especially given we now have a lower GDP than the state of Mississippi. Who will the next Tory leader be? What will Labour do regarding Transgender ideology? Will there be any change to 47% of 3-child families living in poverty? We make our predictions and implore anyone who can't see a future here, to exit the UK for a better life, if possible, before it gets worse.
Plus, what would a middle-class riot look like? How downwardly mobile do they have to be to care? The sibling rivalry of todays dating scene, the impending baby shortage, and our understanding of our era of neoliberal bureaucratic Borg rule as what Mark Fisher called ‘market Stalinism’.