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Episode 97: The Insect Attack at LGBA and Why Young Women Become TRAs

1 hour, 0 minutes long. Link to audio file. Link directly to this episode.

Last weekend LGB Alliance Conference was attacked by Trans activists releasing insects at their event. We discuss why LGBA inspires such ire from Trans activists and how this attack was a form of resent-filled revenge after losing Self-ID with the Labour government. We also consider why young women are attracted to Transgender activism and why young T and Q activists are so committed to attempting to attach themselves to LGB (voyeuristic proximity to sexuality). Specifically, middle-class TRA women can be understood to be petulant, brattish 'scabs' that have no solidarity with other women who 'go on strike' against gender. Another aspect is how socially underdeveloped young women are attracted to transgenderism because it’s a form of rejecting adult sexuality and adulthood, in a similar kind of way anorexia and political lesbianism are. Plus, devaluing other women as a defence, growing up a tall girl, the abject, the shortsightedness of being young, opting for stunts when can’t organise mass protests, and the phenomenon of 'Trans until graduation'.